I purchased this massage bed for $1300 and at that price it is very much worth the purchase. The massage benefits of the massage bed are fantastic and it feels really good.
The foot and high speed sieve vibrations are amazing for getting the blood flowing through the whole body! When it stops, I can feel my pulse in my whole body! The combination of spinal air massage + vibration is great! I typically use the Weight Traction and the Overweight Problem massage mode the most as they are the best.
The programming on this massage bed is garbage and it apparently went through no testing or QA before they sent it off to production. What I mean by this is several of the massage programs are swapped so when you choose for example "Overweight Problem" massage, it actually runs the "Gradient Pressure" massage instead. This is the case for several of the massages as they programmed them wrong. The other programming issue I can't believe they misses is the timer for the massages is too fast. Each minute of massage is only 40 seconds or so. This means when you choose a massage that says is 25 minutes long, it will actually only take 19 minutes and then be done. This also seems to cause some of the massage programs to not fully finish.
With the odd programming issues aside, the massages on the bed are fantastic and worth the purchase alone. I recommend turning off the voice prompts and music in the Settings menu as they cheapen the experience. My wife and I take turns every other night between our massage chair and this massage bed. Great for couples massage if you have this and another device.
Would buy again based on how good the massage feels. Would be nice if they fixed the whacky programming on it though and Osaki should put a disclaimer on the site and reduce the price from the MSRP of $4000 because Osaki has confirmed all their massage bed units have this issue and they no longer produce these as per Osaki "They were a flop"